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3 Semester's of (ONLINE) learning in UNIMAS.

 Hello as you all know, I have went through 3 semester of my Bachelor Degree in UNIMAS. International Relations has been my interest but I would not said it was an easy sail for me. So the second semester and third semester are good and I can say I'm improving for each semester. So here's what I got for first sem until my third sem: Third Semester & Second Semester. First Semester. Well, I worked hard and I do experience burn out, was it worth it? Of course (although I sometimes think it is not). But anyways, imagining myself having regrets for not trying to push and be on my best mode in the semester would be really depressing.  Anyways, the third semester was soooo tough. Getting into the major required tons of reading. So I mostly spend my time reading books (but during sem break, I would go out and have as much fun as possible) that relates with my Degree. I am also bless with great lecturers, that's why I believed I am improving for each semester. So to all who sea
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I was one of the STPM 2018-2019 students. In 2018, I posted for the first and the last time. So here's an update about my life and I wanna reach out to all my STPM peeps in Malaysia. So let me summarize what had happened during my STPM years. First Sem was good, scored 2A's and 2B's Second Sem was extraordinary, achieved 4.00 CGPA Third Sem it was all okay 3A's and 1D+. But luckily I managed to get 4A's for the first semester because I repeat the 2B's subjects. I suggest students repeat bcs its a chance to improve! The overall result, wasn't like how I expected it to be but I'm grateful for 3.83 CGPA bcs it wasn't easy yea. So here's what I wanna share. My tips and on my mistakes. I wish this could help you if you are a sixth form student. Source : Google Image 1) Time management This is very crucial. if you can manage your time for course works, studies and kokum you will be able to learn effectively.

Tips belajar@Study Tips 101!

Hello guys! ini merupakan post pertama saya soooo kalau ada kekurangan jangan marah yerr :) saya baru sahaja menamatkan pelajaran di Sekolah Menengah dan dalam article ini saya ingin memberi sedikit tips belajar kepada rakan-rakan yang bakal menempuh SPM hehehhe :) So let's go straight to our topic! REMINDER: Setiap orang ada cara masing2 dan article ni hanyalah utk memberi pendapat melalui cara dan pengalaman saya. 1. Study Smart! Pic credits to : Haaa bosan kan dengan ayat ini? tapi memang betul. Selalunya pelajar-pelajar sekolah  burning the midnight oil a day before exam. Aku ceritakan pengalaman saya pasal benda ni. soo saya ni merupakan pelajar badge terakhir bagi subjek perdagangan dan bagi saya Perdagangan ni kalau nda ingat point2 dia memang gagal laa. soo saya decide untuk tidur jam 3 pagi  tu dan bangun jam 4:30 pagi sbb sekolah saya mula pada jam 6.50 A.M. . Pada hari itu, ada dua paper iaitu Geografi dan Perdagangan. Alahaii kesannya dik sak