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I was one of the STPM 2018-2019 students.

In 2018, I posted for the first and the last time. So here's an update about my life and I wanna reach out to all my STPM peeps in Malaysia.

So let me summarize what had happened during my STPM years.

First Sem was good, scored 2A's and 2B's
Second Sem was extraordinary, achieved 4.00 CGPA
Third Sem it was all okay 3A's and 1D+.

But luckily I managed to get 4A's for the first semester because I repeat the 2B's subjects. I suggest students repeat bcs its a chance to improve! The overall result, wasn't like how I expected it to be but I'm grateful for 3.83 CGPA bcs it wasn't easy yea.

So here's what I wanna share. My tips and on my mistakes. I wish this could help you if you are a sixth form student.

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Source : Google Image

1) Time management
This is very crucial. if you can manage your time for course works, studies and kokum you will be able to learn effectively. Long-story-short about me, I was the Vice President for our sixth form student council and we had to run a lot of activities throughout the year. So it was a challenge for me to manage my time and during the first semester, I was involved with Muay Thai training from 7.30p.m until 9.30p.m. Second and third semester I stop already hahahha.

So how do I manage my time? basically, in class, I am 110% focus on what I'm learning and I take notes without looking at what I wrote AHHAHA (active-listener indeed). So when I reach home, I just read my notes and proceed with doing exercises (homework from the teachers) in the books or past year trials that I get from GuruBesar.My (shout out to that website for helping students like me). But I can say that doing exercises actually helped me a lot compared to only reading notes.

I set my time like this when I'm at home ;
7.30p.m-8.10p.m : Phase 1 studying (more to reading and trying to understand)
8.10p.m-8.20p.m.: Rest time
8.20p.m-9.00p.m : Phase 2 studying (application on questions to see whether I fully understand or not)
and that's it. When you've done, talk with your family and then go to sleep. Getting enough sleep is important as well.
Remember your brain is like a cup of water, fill the water into the cup but don't over pour it as it will only waste the water.

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Source : Google Image

2) Motivation (Law of Attraction)
Come on, most people lack motivation in their studies and I see this a lot in school and this can be a major problem as well. If you are lack in motivation or you feel like you just wanna give up, try to think that you are halfway to university already. 1 and a half year you will be there, the place that you always think of and dream of. I did some visualization, I visualized that I get good grades and receiving an award. yea kinda like that, It motivated me to keep on doing my best and yea I received what I have visualized, I get good grades and I achieve The Principal Awards (highest awards for our sixth form in school). That's what keeps me going in form 6.

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Source : Google Image
3) Ways to learn effectively
When learning, approach it with an open mind and curiosity.. Why?When?How? and What? it would be fun to gain knowledge when you have that intense curiosity rather than to think about it like "Ahh Sh**, need to do this if I wanna succeed". Reprogram your mind and tell yourself that you wanna learn because you wanna gain knowledge. Also, try to make learning fun and you will enjoy it rather than stress about it. Oh btw, I dont do group studies. I just cannot so it's not my way bcs different people has a different approach to learn effectively hahaha..

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Source : Google Image

As I can see, most students are always ungrateful for their results. Let's be honest, if you saw someone getting 4.00 CGPA for their first sem and you get below than that, that feeling of envy will always be there. Yes I was like that back then, but then what I realized is, I should be really grateful although I didnt achieved good grades like that person. You did your best so you should be proud of yourself! never compare yourself with the others bcs the real challenge is you. Your sixth form mates are also challenging themselves to maintain and achieve good grades. So do you.🙏

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Source : Google Image

5) Help each others
We always heard that "healthy competition" a phrase that has been used for studying but after all these years, I realised we all should be helping each other rather than competing with each other. Rather than looking at your friends as a challenge, it's better to help each other and get a good result together. The word "Competition" is not a good word FOR ME. When we compete, there's only one winner. To be the winner you will feed your ego and there will be a feeling where you don't want to help your "competitors" bcs you want to achieve better than that person. Don't compete, for STPM everybody has the same goals which is to get into university. So help your comrades and don't leave them behind.💪

6) Don't be overconfident
For my last semester, I was soo confident with my Pengajian Am but I ended up getting D+ for it. I did my homework, I did past year papers and I did everything as usual. But the mistake that I did was being so confident that I could get an A for it. I was cautious but I didn't take my time to analyze the question properly bcs I believed in myself TOO MUCH. That's why I ended up having D+ instead of A that I dream of AHHAHAHAHA. Always take your time to analyze the question. Don't rush on answering okaisss.. I accept my mistake and I moved on. It doesn't really affect me bcs I'm a very very grateful person 😂

The key to success academically for me is always repetition in reading and also answering (application). This is what I could think of by now.

Thanks for reading. Good luck in your studies and always be proud of yourself!


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