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Passing through the Dark Days.

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I've been brainstorming for quite a long time about what should I write on my blog. Politics, Life, Experience, Motivation and many more. Yet I wasn't able to pick which topics I would spend my time writing.

Today, I saw a video in my Youtube recommendation with the title "An old man advice" & "A old man advice". He talked about how he goes through his tough times, how he appreciates young people and many more about his life experiences. 

Below is the link to the videos :

After hearing his life experience I would say that it made me realised that, we the young people are actually the assets of our country and also the world. In the future, we are the one who will decide either we can reach that better future that we hope for. Sadly, we always looked at our tough times as something that would stop us in achieving our dreams. We, the young generation is exposed to technologies. The mental health issue isn't something strange to us nowadays. We heard so many issues and sometimes because of what we heard, we felt like it's impossible to make a change.

Just want to remind you. Never stop chasing your goals despite what you have heard from the media or from some other strangers who don't even know who you are. YOU SHAPE YOUR OWN FUTURE. Remember that. No matter what people said about you, it is you who decide either to go on or to give up. To become useless or useful. The choice is in your hand.

What I love about our generation is that we are enthusiastic, open-minded and we can accept change. We have so many ideas and yet our voice is rarely heard by society. Sometimes, we are insecure about what we had in our mind. It's okay, I felt that too.

We had our struggles, our mental health is unstable because of the pressure from the people around us.. But hey! it's going to be okay. Don't give up in life okay? Your favourite song might not be released, your life might be enjoyable soon, you are already important to someone and still you will become important to someone in the future. We are still young and we still can find meaningful things in our life that we should go for. So don't stop here, keep going...

Idk what I've written but this is it. For us, the young generation. The future leader.


  1. i heard and been through a lot of bad things when i was a teenager. not be able to speak of what am i think of.being someone who does not impact on anything. when i think about it it makes me wonder why i never try. but as you said the past is the past. dont forget about your history but keep it as a reminder to yourself and others. choose what you want to teachers and my close friends once said to me "in the end its all up to you there's no one going to help you except yourself". hope more people know how valuable they are and keep loving themselves. Hope teenagers have a chance to speak what they think is right.

    1. Hello! Would love to remind you that you already made an impact to yourself and that's the most important one! Yes, never forget about all the hardships, we must learn from our past experience so that we won't get into the same trouble again. It's also a reminder that you had already passed through your dark days 💓

      Reality is, we always thought that we are all alone and yet there's actually some people who are actually looking at you and rooting for you now. I'm always happy for every person that I've met if they received abundance of wealth, joy and chances. Yet I don't dm them bcs I'm just shy but IM SO HAPPY FOR THEM AS WELL!! I believe if you try to talk with the people you've met before, they will always try their best to help.

      And yes! I do wish teenagers and also young adults have more chance to speak. We got brilliants idea and yet boomers don't even bother to listen. We can change this in the future.

      Thanks for commenting, I wish you have a good day💓


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