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Showing posts from July, 2020

Passing through the Dark Days.

I've been brainstorming for quite a long time about what should I write on my blog. Politics, Life, Experience, Motivation and many more. Yet I wasn't able to pick which topics I would spend my time writing. Today, I saw a video in my Youtube recommendation with the title "An old man advice" & "A old man advice". He talked about how he goes through his tough times, how he appreciates young people and many more about his life experiences.  Below is the link to the videos :  (An Old Man Advice 2014)  (A Old Man Advice 2015) After hearing his life experience I would say that it made me realised that, we the young people are actually the assets of our country and also the world. In the future, we are the one who will decide either we can reach that better future that we hope for. Sadly, we always looked at our tough times as somethin